Highlights and Election Results

Founders and longtime volunteers, were honored with plaques acknowledging their service. Shown is Ed Johann, Evelyn and Jim Phelps
Board President Gordon “Mick” McLean opened the annual membership meeting of the North Lincoln County Historical Museum, by welcoming museum members and guests. This year marked the museum’s Thirtieth Anniversary, established in March 1987. Three past presidents were in attendance: Ed Johann, the first president, Jean Majoska, the longest serving president, and Danell Martin. Executive Director Anne Hall recounted the history of the museum, including memorable events, and highlighted the contributions of individuals, whose vision and hard work led to the establishment of the museum and contributed to its on-going success. Several of those individuals, including founders and longtime volunteers, were honored with plaques, acknowledging their service, including: Jim and Evelyn Phelps, Ed Johann, Jean Majoska, and Danell and Larry Martin. The plaques will be mounted throughout the museum in appropriate locations.
Voting by the membership resulted in the election, or re-election, of five members to three-year terms as regular Members of the Board of Directors: Craig Anderson, Doug Force, C.T Holman, Larry Martin, and Nick Simpson. Unfortunately, Nick will not be able to continue as a Board Member because of unanticipated developments. We are
fortunate that he will continue to volunteer as museum Registrar and glass float expert. The Board also elected its officers for the new fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2017.
NLCHM officers are:
- Mick McLean, President
- C.T Holman, Vice-president
- Richard Hawkins, Treasurer
- Larry Martin, Secretary