This trunk was found in a Wecoma, Oregon home formerly owned by the Cutler family. The Cutler’s are well known for forming the town of Cutler City in 1913, on the south end of today’s Lincoln City. This 1920s “Indestructo” trunk has many scratches and dings, but has lived up to its name. It has traveled much (many national and international stickers) and is still as sturdy as ever. It has several Cutler name tags and “Cutler” painted in red writing on the side.
This amazing piece of history was generously donated to the museum by the Kerr family and is now on display in our camping exhibit.

1920 Indestructo Trunk Advertisement:

Below is information on the Cutler family and the formation of Cutler City from the Pioneer History of North Lincoln County, Volume 1, 1951:

Click on the historic photo of Cutler City below to see the Historical Context Statement for the city:

This battered, bruised and well traveled trunk would be a great piece of history even without having the amazing local history attached to it. This trunk tells many stories, one of which is the formation of our southernmost Lincoln City community, Cutler City.